Photonics4 will build several information portals dedicated to specific markets to support the industry and make it easy for (potential) customers to connect with photonics suppliers.
There are many applications for photonics in Automotive. Sensors, LIDAR systems, displays, autonomous driving, all lighting systems... it is all based on photonics technology.
Soon we will be launching a website full of information about the possibilities of photonics in Automotive. If you want to learn more now, then send your question to info@photonics4.com

Measuring ripeness of fruits, sugar content, food sorting, light distribution in greenhouses... These are just some of the applications that use photonics in agriculture and food.
Soon we will be launching a website full of information about the possibilities of photonics in Agrifood. If you want to learn more now, then send your question to info@photonics4.com

Photonics can be found in all aspects of health care, from the lab where analysis are done to the surgery rooms. It is used for detection, diagnostics, treatments, monitoring and more.
Soon we will be launching a website full of information about the possibilities of photonics in Healthcare. If you want to learn more now, then send your question to info@photonics4.com

The world is connected through optical communication, from the satellites and datacenters to our laptops and smart phones, it is all connected. Photonics is key to faster and more secure communication.
Soon we will be launching a website full of information about the possibilities of photonics in Communication. If you want to learn more now, then send your question to info@photonics4.com

And this is just the beginning. Photonics is present in all markets.